If you are seeing this message either you are a guru who has a custom browser setting, or your browser is out of date and cannot handle some of the more recent Web standards. In our opinion this site would look much better with the standard setup of a modern browser. However we intend it to be accessible to any browser or Internet device.

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Bugblat is a relatively small company and can best be contacted by email.

General enquiries: info@bugblat.com

Sales: sales@bugblat.com

Technical support: support@bugblat.com


Parts of our website are regularly revised, which means that some of the links may be broken by accident. We are working on minimising this annoyance, and our apologies if you bump into a broken link.

Our website pages should display on any modern browser. But they use style sheets and will not render correctly on some very old browsers.

We aim to have our pages show correctly in the Mozilla/Netscape/Firefox browsers, in Google Crome, in Safari, in Microsoft's Edge and Internet Explorer, and in Opera. Internet Explorer is a non-standard browser and sometimes displays content incorrectly.

Please email the webmaster if the pages do not look right on your browser.


Webmaster: webmaster@bugblat.com

General enquiries: info@bugblat.com

Sales: sales@bugblat.com

Technical support: support@bugblat.com

Frequently Asked Questions:

Copyright © 2007 to 2019 Bugblat Ltd. Last modified: 2 Aug 2019.