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The X34 logic analyzer is compact, easy to use, powerful, and inexpensive. It is called the X34 because it has 32 incoming signal connections and 2 incoming clock connections. Some people call that configuration a 32-bit instrument, others call it a 34-bit instrument. We also have Trigger connections, both incoming and outgoing, but as far as we know nobody would accuse the X34 of being 35-bit or 36-bit.

X34 Logic Analyzer

Key Features

Note: at the moment the X34 is primarily an OEM product. This means that batches are built to meet OEM orders, with one-off orders being supplied from overbuilds.

Control Panel Software

Click here to download and evaluate the Bugblat control panel software.

Click here for screenshots from the control panel software.

User-Level Programming

A free software package allows the user to write programs to control an X34. The X34 can be attached to the same computer, or it can be controlled over a local network, or even controlled across the Internet.

Click here for more information.

PC Requirements

More information

Click here for detailed specifications.


Please note that the X34 is high-performance test equipment. It is designed for users who are familiar with electronic design and debugging, and familiar with the usual safety precautions when working with electronic equipment.